Information about the event in school №24 on the Independence day of Kazakhstan on the basis of the health of the Nation.

Date: 2016-12-10 04:31:17
Information about the event in school №24 on the Independence day of Kazakhstan on the basis of the health of the Nation.

In the secondary school №24 was held an event dedicated to the day of health on the theme "Ult Cauley-memleket Kal" organized by the school nurse Baranovoj A. She had a conversation about the right pitaniia necessary exercise. The guys got the answers to the questions. The event was invited by the doctor of the Narcological dispensary of the city of Balkhash, a psychologist N.Stelmach. She gave information on "health – the main wealth ".During the lecture it was said that for some reason, spoiled health:alcohol, drug abuse and Smoking– which led to consequences, as well as used videos, slide films, psychological training exercises. Students were given different booklets.

Author: School №24