Category: Medical unit
Date: 2022-02-21 09:41:14
      Based on data from 89 countries around the world, the Omicron VOC is 3-4 times more transmissive than the Delta variant, according to a high-level European panel on CVI.      The doubling time of Omicron is about 2-3 days.      However, Omicron VOC has not yet been proven to be less dangerous than Delta.      Limiting social...
Author: School №10

Расписание дополнительных занятий по подготовке к ЕНТ учащихся 11 класса на осенних каникулах 2021-2022 уч.год

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:47:34
Утверждаю Директор школы №10 _____________ Укпешова С.Г..                                                        &nbs...

Unified National Testing 2022

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:44:48
Unified National Testing 2022

Memo for applying for participation in the UNT

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:37:55
Memo for applying for participation in the UNT

Full qualification test FINAL

Category: Teacher certification
Date: 2022-02-18 11:50:31
Author: School №10

Questions and answers of the CNT 2021

Category: Teacher certification
Date: 2022-02-18 11:48:29
Author: School №10

Dear applicants wishing to enroll in IT specialties! In accordance with the changes made to the Rules of the Unified National Testing in 2022, we inform you that the subject "Computer Science" is included in the list of specialized subjects of the UNT

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 11:47:01
Dear applicants wishing to enroll in IT specialties! In accordance with the changes made to the Rules of the Unified National Testing in 2022, we inform you that the subject
Dear applicants wishing to enroll in IT specialties! In accordance with the changes made to the Rules of the Unified National Testing in 2022, we inform you that the subject "Computer Science" is included in the list of specialized subjects of the UNT. In this regard, from the 2022-2023 academic year, students entering the groups of educational programs "Computer Science teacher T...
Author: School №10

Online testing system

Category: Teacher certification
Date: 2022-02-18 11:46:35
Author: School №10

Tests on pedagogy for teachers

Category: Teacher certification
Date: 2022-02-18 11:43:40
https://onlinetestpad.com/hohayciegx3qa https://onlinetestpad.com/hoomnnc3ia6g6 https://onlinetestpad.com/hnmca5qrls6bi https://onlinetestpad.com/hoomnnc3ia6g6 https://onlinetestpad.com/hohayciegx3qa https://onlinetestpad.com/hnmca5qrls6bi
Author: School №10

The medical profession is the most humane!

Category: кәсіптік бағдар
Date: 2022-02-18 11:40:37
The medical profession is the most humane!
The medical profession is the most humane!   Helping people is a very noble thing. And the medical profession is the most humane, because it is designed to guard human life. It is doctors who give health to people, save them from a variety of diseases. Therefore, the image of a medic in the imagination of many people is associated with hope and protection.   A medic is a specia...
Author: School №10

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