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№ 24 орта мектебінде оқу-тәрбие жұмысының жоспарына сай №2 педагогикалық кеңесі өтті.

№ 24 орта мектебінде оқу-тәрбие жұмысының жоспарына сай №2 педагогикалық кеңесі өтті.

On the first issue of the agenda of the pedagogical council, the chairperson of the trade union of the school D.N. Sambetova on the subject of “Familiarization with the Law on Countering Corruption”, on the second issue a report was made by the head of the Municipal Department Zh.N. Ospanov on the topic “On the status of teaching subjects in the social and humanitarian field”, the next speaker was the head of the Defense Ministry P. Uldakhan on the topic “On the status of teaching subjects in the natural-mathematical direction”, the final report of the educational work on the first half of the year was made by Deputy Directors .K.Musina and G.M. Kulymzhanova analyzed the problems and achievements of the work done and made a decision. As well as the media trainer of the school A.K. Musina spoke on the topic "Mediation - a platform for spiritual dialogue" and introduced the work of mediation in the school, outlined the planned activities.

Date: 11.01.2019, 10:35 Author: School №24