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Regulations on how to use mobile phones during the learning process

· These rules are established for students and school staff number 24, are intended to help improve the organization mode of school number 24, the protection of civil rights of all subjects of the educational process: pupils parents, teachers under the Education Act.
· Compliance with the rules promotes quality and efficiency of educational services received, ensures the psychological comfort of the educational process.
2. Basic Concepts
· Cell phone - a means of communication and a component of the image of modern man, which is not accepted to actively demonstrate.
3. Conditions for use of cell phones in school:
· Every user must know and abide by the following terms and conditions of use cell phones at school:
· The school building is required to set the phone to vibrate.
· During lessons and training sessions necessary to turn off the phone and remove.
· Remember that the responsibility for the safety of the phone is only at its owner (parents, the legal representative of the owner).
· Administration of abductions of cell phones are not considered.

4. User rights.
· Users have the right to apply the lessons is a mobile phone in the school building as a modern means of communication in case of emergency.
5. Duties of the user.
Users are prohibited from:
· Use your phone in the classroom in any mode (including as a calculator, address book, since it is not included in the mandatory list of technical training of the educational process).
· Use a loud call mode and listening to tunes Voves ce stay in school - Lyceum.
· Promote, store and distribute information, including cruelty, violence.
· Deliberately harm the image of the school through the use of a cell phone.
· Make discoveries photo and video capture without the consent of others.
6. Responsibility for violation pravil.Za violation of these Rules provides the following responsibilities:
· For a single violation of the provisions of paragraph 5 learner declared remark an entry in the diary, in case of violation of paragraph 5.1.1 may be withdrawal of the phone to transfer a teacher to the school.
Repeated violations of the rules - A report to the Director (with the writing of the explanatory students) and fee exemption phone interview with the school administration and the parents of the transfer of the legal representatives of the student phone, carrying a cell phone ban for a limited time.
· When single fact of gross violation of (5.1.1, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.5) withdrawal telephone interview to the school number 24 with their parents, up to a ban on cell phone for the entire academic year.