Creative drawing contest "I build my rights"

Category: Local government
Date: 2022-02-18 15:01:43
A contest of creative drawings "I build my rights" was held among grades 1-4. Students of the school took an active part in the competition.  
Author: School №25

Flyer contest "Rights and duties of a child"

Category: Республикалық бірыңғай «Жас Ұлан» балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы
Date: 2022-02-18 14:48:14
Both the future and the prosperity of our Motherland are today's generation. We will not be mistaken if we say that it is the duty and duty of the previous wave, so that this generation is educated and well-mannered. Tomorrow, the strong position of the state is the younger generation. Undoubtedly, caring for the younger generation is a deep moral value that recognizes the priority of childh...
Author: School №25

Расписание дополнительных занятий по подготовке к ЕНТ учащихся 11 класса на осенних каникулах 2021-2022 уч.год

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:47:34
Утверждаю Директор школы №10 _____________ Укпешова С.Г..                                                        &nbs...

Unified National Testing 2022

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:44:48
Unified National Testing 2022

Flyer contest "Rights and duties of a child"

Category: Local government
Date: 2022-02-18 14:44:42
Both the future and the prosperity of our Motherland are today's generation. We will not be mistaken if we say that it is the duty and duty of the previous wave, so that this generation is educated and well-mannered. Tomorrow, the strong position of the state is the younger generation. Undoubtedly, caring for the younger generation is a deep moral value that recognizes the priority of childh...
Author: School №25

Memo for applying for participation in the UNT

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:37:55
Memo for applying for participation in the UNT

Minutes of the meeting of the board of trustees №2

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2022-02-18 13:57:56
Author: School №9

Президенттің Қазақстан халқына жолдаулары

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 13:49:18
Президенттің Қазақстан халқына жолдаулары
Мемлекет басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы. 2021 жылғы 1 қыркүйек ХАЛЫҚ БІРЛІГІ ЖӘНЕ ЖҮЙЕЛІ РЕФОРМАЛАР – ЕЛ ӨРКЕНДЕУІНІҢ БЕРІК НЕГІЗІ     Қымбатты отандастар! Құрметті Парламент депутаттары мен Үкімет мүшелері!   Биыл егемен ел болғанымызға 30 жыл толып отыр. Тәуелсіздік – біздің ең қастерлі құндылығымыз. Қазақстан Тұңғыш Президен...
Author: School №17

Drawing contest "red, yellow, green"

Category: Compliance with traffic rules
Date: 2022-02-18 13:37:28
From 17.01 - 21.01 at KSU School No. 6, a drawing competition "Red, Yellow, Green" was organized among children in grades 1-4, aimed at updating knowledge of the rules of safe behavior. The aim of the drawing competition was to reduce the level of children's road traffic injuries. Tasks: - promotion of competent, safe behavior of minors on the road; - development of children...
Author: School №6

The composition of the Board of Trustees at the school for the 2022 academic year

Date: 2022-02-18 13:33:51
The composition of the Board of Trustees at the school for the 2022 academic year

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees at the school in the 2022 academic year

Category: Хаттамалар
Date: 2022-02-18 13:26:15
Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees at the school in the 2022 academic year

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