Seismic training

Category: Азаматтық қорғаныс
Date: 2022-02-18 16:20:10

отмена учебы в 1смене с 0-9 классы

Category: News
Date: 2022-02-18 15:34:23
отмена учебы в 1смене с 0-9 классы

Educational game "Big rights of small citizens"

Category: Республикалық бірыңғай «Жас Ұлан» балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы
Date: 2022-02-18 15:24:05
In accordance with the action plan of the republican month "the rights of the child – human rights, senior counselor Magden E. N. with the students of the 3rd "A" class, an educational game "the great rights of small citizens" was held. Purpose: to give an idea of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to expand the understanding of the Convention on the...
Author: School №25

Creative drawing contest "I build my rights"

Category: Республикалық бірыңғай «Жас Ұлан» балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы
Date: 2022-02-18 15:14:57
A contest of creative drawings "I build my rights" was held among grades 1-4. Students of the school took an active part in the competition.  
Author: School №25

Creative drawing contest "I build my rights"

Category: Local government
Date: 2022-02-18 15:01:43
A contest of creative drawings "I build my rights" was held among grades 1-4. Students of the school took an active part in the competition.  
Author: School №25

Flyer contest "Rights and duties of a child"

Category: Республикалық бірыңғай «Жас Ұлан» балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымы
Date: 2022-02-18 14:48:14
Both the future and the prosperity of our Motherland are today's generation. We will not be mistaken if we say that it is the duty and duty of the previous wave, so that this generation is educated and well-mannered. Tomorrow, the strong position of the state is the younger generation. Undoubtedly, caring for the younger generation is a deep moral value that recognizes the priority of childh...
Author: School №25

Расписание дополнительных занятий по подготовке к ЕНТ учащихся 11 класса на осенних каникулах 2021-2022 уч.год

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:47:34
Утверждаю Директор школы №10 _____________ Укпешова С.Г..                                                        &nbs...

Unified National Testing 2022

Category: ҰБТ-ға дайындық
Date: 2022-02-18 14:44:48
Unified National Testing 2022

Flyer contest "Rights and duties of a child"

Category: Local government
Date: 2022-02-18 14:44:42
Both the future and the prosperity of our Motherland are today's generation. We will not be mistaken if we say that it is the duty and duty of the previous wave, so that this generation is educated and well-mannered. Tomorrow, the strong position of the state is the younger generation. Undoubtedly, caring for the younger generation is a deep moral value that recognizes the priority of childh...
Author: School №25

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