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Prevention of injuries

Date: 2017-05-02 10:19:05
Prevention of injuries

 One of the main social problems of today is child traumatism. In this regard, on May 2, a lecture was conducted among pupils of grades 1-3 under the supervision of the chief inspector of the school K.T. Zhandugulov on the topic "Prevention of injuries". The trauma of the child in the school is in the general structure of at least 15-20% of cases. Analyzing the cases of injuries it turns out that many of the injuries children receive in physical education classes, at sports grounds, if they do not observe the safety rules of behavior. The greatest danger is represented by games on elevated plots: roofs of houses, trees and high fences. To avoid accidents, the chief inspector of the school KT Zhandugulov told the students about personal security measures in order to protect themselves from injuries. The students received answers to their questions.

Author: School №8