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Information on the event "Tugan olkemnіn koshelerі" SNR library №8

Date: 2015-11-05 08:38:43
Information on the event

October 5, 2015 in the library of school №8 conducted educational activities for students in grades 4 "Tugan өlkemnің kөshelerі." The event is held the head of the library Isabaeva RA and school librarian Myrzagalieva SR Rose Alhanovna told students about the interesting facts of his native land, get acquainted with the book exhibition "Tugan zherіm - tal besigim." School Librarian Myrzagalieva SR He gave information about the changes that have taken place in the streets of our city. However, readers are told about their area of ​​residence. Participants received new information about changes in the city.

Author: School №8