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City debatny tournament "Intellectual Youth Support of Independence"

Date: 2014-04-05 05:36:57
City debatny tournament
04.04.2014 in the Palace of school students the city debatny tournament "Intellectual Youth Support of Independence" was held. No. 8 OSSh team "Өркен" won first place, and the schoolgirl of the 9th class Zhumagali Altynay won a rank "The best speaker". The collective and pupils of school congratulates team "Өркен" on a victory.
Author: School №8

Professional development of teachers

Date: 2014-03-26 05:30:33
Professional development of teachers Academic year  All of teachers   Passed   Quality 2010-2011            55              18               32% 2011-2012        ...
Author: School №8

High-quality intra school control guarantor of a good result

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-03-25 06:49:51
High-quality intra school control guarantor of a good result
Any processes happening at modern school, can't proceed without analysis of results of activity, an assessment and a self-assessment of work of the teacher, pupils, parents, heads of establishment of education as uniform school community.
Author: School №8

Use of interactive technologies in educational process

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-03-25 06:42:08
Modern times raised new questions.  Society changes, the relation to studied subjects changes.  In student teaching the term "active methods and forms of education" is applied long ago.  Recently one more term "interactive training" gained distribution. To use interactive technologies in educational process it is necessary to know classification parameters, c...
Author: School №8

Professional competence and new technologies

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-03-25 06:32:40
Professional competence and new technologies
Еліміздегі қоғам дамуының барлық саласындағы өзгерістерге орай білім саласы да жаңаруда. Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім туралы» Заңында: «Білім беру жүйесінің басты мақсаты – ұлттық және жалпыадамзаттық мәдени құндылықтар негізінде жеке тұлғаның қалыптасуына қажетті жағдай жасау» делінген. Осы міндеттерді жүзеге асыруда басты нысана – білім сапасы. Ал білім...
Author: School №8

We congratulate on a holiday Nauryz!

Date: 2014-03-19 15:22:55
We congratulate on a holiday Nauryz!
We congratulate on a holiday Nauryz!
Author: School №8

Open lesson of history of Kazakhstan in the 6th class on the subject "Sarmattar"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2014-03-17 09:10:20
Open lesson of history of Kazakhstan in the 6th class on the subject
6А сыныбы Күні:28.02.14.ж Сабақ тақырыбы:Сарматтар Сабақтың мақсаты: Білімділік:Сармат тайпасының тарихымен, мекен еткен жерлерімен таныстыру. Дамытушылық:Сарматтардың саяси тарихынан деректермен таныстыра отырып, оқушылардың қызығушылықтарын арттыру, тарихи фактілерге баға беру, логикалық ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту. Тәрбиелік:Оқушылардың қазақ халқының негізін құрған тайпалардың бірі...
Author: School №8

Областной конкурс "Талантливый учитель-одаренным детям"

Category: leader
Date: 2014-03-15 11:22:24
Областной конкурс
13 марта 2014 г. в г. Караганда проводился областной конкурс "Талантливый учитель-одаренным детям". Вожатая нашей школы Мухаметжанова Молдир заняла призовое І место в  номинации "Лучший вожатый". Коллектив ОСШ№8 поздравил Молдир и пожелал ей дальнейших творческих успехов на работе и в жизни. 
Author: School №8

Intellectual games

Date: 2014-03-14 12:59:29
Intellectual games
№ class form-master all pupils number of participants   Akbota % Parasat % Rus. medvezhonok % Britizh buldog % Poni...
Author: School №8

Competition of the scientific Zerde projects

Category: Working with gifted children
Date: 2014-03-14 12:46:31
Competition of the scientific Zerde projects
In proshedshem2012-2013 academic year 8 pupils took part in the Republican scientific research Zerde conference, from them 63 ℅ received prize-winning places, in it 2013-2014 academic year there were задействованы11 pupils, but only 3 pupils, so 27 ℅ are marked out by the letter of thanks. They: Ongarbekova Aida (6B class) head: G.S.Shaymerdenova, Serikov Aid (6B class) head: D.M.Tulkina, Mukano...
Author: School №8

laat scientific organization.

Category: Working with gifted children
Date: 2014-03-14 12:32:10
In 2013-2014 academic year in Sh No8 the laat scientific organization works. In laat scientific organization such sections, as mathematics, history, biology, philology, chemistry work. Pupils under the leadership of teachers achieve progress in research work.
Author: School №8

Open lesson of literary reading in the 4th class

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2014-03-13 10:49:55
Open lesson of literary reading in the 4th class
28.02.2014. "Control of knowledge: quality education, high-quality education, innovations". Elementary school teacher of the second category Bakirova A.Provela open lesson of Russian of a subject: "Story about Kanat".
Author: School №8

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