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Ecoclub "Zhasyl Otan" (work of the school greenhouse)

Category: Ecoclub Zhasyl Otan (work of the school greenhouse)

The results of the winter-spring works in the school greenhouse...

In anticipation of the great Nauryz holiday, young agronomists of our school sum up the results of winter-spring works. The last harvest of vegetables was harvested: beets, radishes, herbs - parsley, arugula, lettuce leaves. There is a preparation of the soil for planting flower seeds for the improvement of the school yard.

2019-03-15 17:34:41

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We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?"...

We continue the school project “Do we need landscaping in the classroom?". The goal of this project is to expand knowledge about indoor plants. To deepen knowledge about plant care techniques. To develop educational interest. Today, pupils of the 6th grade studied indoor flowers on the theme “Does houseplants bring benefit or harm?” And studied the effect of indoor plants on the health of schoolchildren. And they came to the conclusion that the flowers are needed. The benefits of plants are invaluable. They purify the air, decorate the interior, create a great mood and even have healing properties.

2019-02-20 00:18:26

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There was a presentation of the next issue of the eco-magazine ...

A new ninth edition of «EcoOtan»magazine has been released at the boarding school. Young journalists, along with their leader Farida Mukhamedzhanova, presented it, introducing some pages and articles. The journal published all the work of the school for the period June-December 2018.

2019-02-20 00:16:01

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A workshop on the theme "Poisonous and non-poisonous indoor flowers. Medicinal indoor plants"

The school environmental project "Is gardening a classroom necessary and what is the extent to which student gardening has an impact on student health" is gaining momentum. Today, January 23, students of the 5 "A" class held a workshop on the theme "Poisonous and non-poisonous indoor flowers. Medicinal indoor plants".

2019-01-23 17:31:38

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We invite you to video tutorials in the greenhouse ...

On the eve of the New Year 2019, it’s time to take stock and get the results of your work. We invite everyone to the video lessons in the greenhouse of the sanatorium boarding school № 2. It is time to harvest the first crop.

2018-12-27 14:08:58

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December 6. And, we are back in the school greenhouse...

December 6. And, we are back in the school greenhouse. An optional lesson in the course "Eco-Agrolaboratory" is conducted by the teacher of geography Abdirbai Ayman Dinislamovna. The topic of the lesson is “Different types of tillage to improve the agronomic properties of plants .... We bring to your attention the video clips of the lesson and see what the children learned during the lesson.

2018-12-07 16:38:10

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In the framework of the club “Man. Society. Nature" was held extra-curricular event on the theme" Types of indoor plants and their benefits "...

The purpose of the event: Providing information about the types and benefits of indoor flowers. Care of flowers, an increase in the number of indoor flowers in the classroom.

2018-11-29 16:46:37

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Started the socially significant project "Greening of school space"...

In the boarding school № 2, in the boarding school № 2, the socially significant project "Greening of school space" started. This project will answer the question why indoor plants are needed in classrooms, how they affect children's health. Pupils of the school will do research on the topics: “Useful plants for the environment”, “Methods of propagation of indoor plants”, “Plant nutrition, medicinal plants”, “The role of parents in greening the classroom” and other activities, the results of these works will be presented in April at the scientific-practical conference "The impact of the degree of greening the classroom on the health of students."

2018-11-09 13:52:27

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Our victory in the intellectual contest "I am an ecologist" ...

On October 27, 2018, the Department of Ecology and Evaluation of the Faculty of Ecology and Management of the Economic University of Karaganda held an intellectual competition "I am an ecologist" at the regional level. The main purpose of this competition is to promote the cognitive interest of students in general education institutions and the stimulation of intellectual creativity. One of the objectives of the competition is to cultivate students' love for their homeland, to teach care for their natural environment, and to instill a sense of caring for their homeland. Omarova Aisulu, Karibay Ersultan, Ayaganova Bayan took part in the contest “I am an ecologist” as part of the team “Ayala” and got acquainted with the work done in the project “Tour-travel”, which was created under the program “Tugan Jer”, and could also reveal the direction of the project. As a result of the competition, our work was recognized as the best, and was awarded a diploma and a cup for the I place, students were given memorable gifts. Teachers of our school Rakhimberlina Z. N., Abdirbay A. D., Mukhametzhanova F. A., Zhanat A. prepared and gave the direction to the students to competition. Congratulations on your victory!

2018-10-28 21:02:51

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The club "Gulzar" announces the holding of the contest "The Greenest Cabinet" ...

Our school has a club "Gulzar". Schoolgirls of primary and 5-6 grades are involved in the work of the club. The purpose of the work club: care for indoor plants, to teach to distinguish between the benefits and harms of some plants. To interest adolescents in the cultivation of indoor plants, to teach that some plants are useful for our health. According to the work plan of the club at school, the contest “The Greenest Study” takes place. The rules of the competition were distributed to all classes, each class assigned to the cabinet together with its teacher and educator should plant a garden. The results of the competition will be announced in April. For winners there are diplomas and gifts.

2018-10-26 15:40:11

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A round table in the framework of the “Man and Nature”... A round table in the framework of the “Man and Nature”...

On October 24, was held a round table in the framework of the “Man and Nature” club with students of the 4th grade. Head of the club: Magauina G.E. The topic of the round table: “Ecology. Green country and ways to solve environmental problems in our country. " Objective: to expand students' knowledge of ecology. Identify, prevent, seek solutions to environmental problems. The round table began with psychological preparation. The guys opened the topic through the reception “Visiting the gallery”. Videos about environmental issues were shown. Also job on making words. The guys made a cluster on the theme of ecology. During the round table environmental problems were revealed.

2018-10-24 17:22:20

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The Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) continues its work ...

We live in the age of information. Today's students are ready to share everything they see and hear to the whole world at the same moment. And why not turn this ability in the right direction. In this regard, the Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) works at boarding school № 2, which continues its work in the new academic year.

2018-10-08 21:20:38

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