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The Republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the XII presidential Olympiad in subjects of natural and mathematical direction.

The Republican scientific and practical center

Murat Nurayym was awarded for special achievements in the XII Presidential Olympiad on subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, organized by the Republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The composition of the Karaganda region consisted of 12 students. In this composition, 1 student (specialized school Daryn) took the SECOND prize. 4 students were awarded certificates. This is BIL, Gymnasium No. 97 in Sarani, Lyceum No. 2 named after Abay in Balkhash. Subject teachers: chemistry-Mckamey Rabiga Sekerbayeva, algebra-Alibaba Aset Budeson, physics Serikova Elmira Zanova, biology - Sadykanov Bikesh Zekenovna. Congratulations to the subject teachers and the Lyceum staff!

Date: 20.11.2019, 16:10 Author: Lyceum №2