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Competition expressive reading "Yntymaғy zharaskan Kazakhstan".

Competition expressive reading

December 10, 2015 in SNR №8 held city competition of expressive reading "Yntymaғy zharaskan Kazakhstan". Purpose: formation of students' skills of expressive reading, the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of speech, develop speech, the development of artistic and voice performance skills, to understand the full meaning of artistic expression, to be able to possess the technique of expressive reading, develop the creative abilities of students, increase the interest in the art of expressive reading, popularization among students of Russian and foreign literature, increase interest in reading, promotion of a culture of public speaking and public speaking skills, identify and support talented students motivated to advanced classes verbiage.
The competition consisted of two parts. In the first part you should read poems of the Kazakh poets and writers of the Motherland, your Homeland, peace and harmony of nations. In the second part of the competition, students read essays about the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan. The competition was attended to each school for one participant from grades 5-6.
The jury were: the poet KM Sadenov, deputy director of the City Library. Seifullina Sopina ZK, Methodist Center languages ​​Sauytbaeva GA, correspondent of the newspaper "Balқash өңіrі" Bekeeva A., a teacher of Russian language and literature SNR №8 Sartayeva GK According to the results of the competition First place took Kuanish Nurbope, student school -gimnazii №7, he took second place Tleugabylova Anel №6 of SNR and Kurmash Miras, a pupil of the boarding school №2, third place won the schoolgirl SSH№8 Abdrasilov P. essay competition First place was awarded to student SNR №1 K. Aralbaeva second place was taken by a student from school Sabit Dilnaz.

Date: 10.12.2015, 11:33 Author: School №8