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Information about the International Family Day in the secondary school № 8

Information about the International Family Day in the secondary school № 8

   International Family Day is celebrated every year on May 15 since 1993. The facts of ICTV offer a short digression into the history of this holiday. This date dates back to 1989. It was then that the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 1994 the International Year of the Family. Thus, they tried to increase the role of the family in society, emphasize the importance of full families, encourage people to adopt, create family-type houses, and pay attention to responsibility in families. Later, on September 20, 1993, in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly, the International Family Day was introduced, which is celebrated annually on May 15. This holiday is a wonderful occasion to spend time together, postponing all your business and problems. After all, who else so sincerely share joy in moments of happiness, as not close and loved. On May 14-16, the secondary school hosted events devoted to this holiday. On the first floor of the school there was a stand on the theme "Otbasy-Otanyyuzdyzdy oshyy", a line "Otbasy baqyty-el baichy" was held. On the line, pupils of grades 5-10 performed in the propaganda brigade, read poetry, sang songs. In all classes, a classy clock was held on the topic "Otbasy nydylyy-sarқylmas Kazyna".

Date: 17.05.2018, 13:23 Author: School №8