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Action "Good deeds to the Fatherland"

Date: 2022-02-19 10:14:40

Charity does not require special abilities and incredible opportunities. Doing good is a thing that every normal person can do. This means that everyone can. This is a kind, charitable event. As part of the campaign "Good deeds to the Fatherland", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an action "kamkorlyk kamkorlyk" was held in our school with students of grades 3-4, organized by a member of the faction of the school parliament "Kamkorlyk".". Students took care of flowers in the classroom and called for reproduction. We invite schoolchildren to take part in the competition "let's take care of the flowers!"he urged me to join the action. Anyone who wants to do good can take part in the action.

Author: School №25