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Information about the debate "VR chooses a world without the Internet"

Date: 2022-01-14 11:59:53

On September 29, 2021, a debate was held among the 9th grade students of “School No. 25 named after Ybyray Altynsarin” on the topic “VR chooses a world without the Internet”.

Goal: Formation of a new generation of young people who are able to meet the requirements of the times, which are accompanied by universal values, who are critical of their environment and actively participate in public life.

Objectives: To increase the level of discussion among schoolchildren. Let students unleash their creativity. Development of critical thinking of students. Identification of talented youth with a culture of oratory and public speaking. Conclusion: the Bolashak faction of the government played against the opposition Akikat faction, and the Bolashak team won.


Author: School №25