Who belongs to the preferential categories in the OSMS system?

Date: 2020-01-20 15:10:25
Who belongs to the preferential categories in the OSMS system?
Who belongs to the preferential categories in the OSMS system?
If you belong to one of the following categories, then you do not need to pay dues; the state will pay for you from January 1, 2020.
1) children;
2) persons registered as unemployed;
3) non-working pregnant women;
4) a non-working person (one of the legal representatives of the child) raising a child (children) until he (them) reaches three years of age;
5) persons on leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, the birth of a child (ren), adoption of a newborn child (ren), caring for the child (ren) until they (they) have reached the age of three years;
6) unemployed persons caring for a child with a disabled person under the age of 18;
7) recipients of pension payments, including persons with disabilities and participants in the Great Patriotic War;
8) persons serving a sentence by a court sentence in institutions of the penal system (with the exception of institutions of minimal security);
9) persons held in pre-trial detention centers;
10) idle oralmans;
11) mothers with many children, awarded with pendants “Altyn alka”, “Kumis alka” or who have previously received the title “Mother Heroine”, as well as awarded with the orders of “Mother Glory” of I and II degrees;
12) persons with disabilities;
13) persons studying full-time.
14) a non-working person caring for a disabled person of the first group since childhood;
15) non-working recipients of state targeted social assistance.
Author: School №17