Размер шрифта:

"Secure Internet"

«Қауіпсіз интернет» атты қалалық бейнероликтер сайысы өтті...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2022-12-30 13:06:35
«Қауіпсіз интернет» атты қалалық бейнероликтер сайысы өтті...
23 желтоқсан күні білім бөлімінің ұйымдастыруымен облыстық «Web-мастер» жобасын іске асыру мақсатында 5-6 сынып оқушылары арасында «Қауіпсіз интернет» атты қалалық бейнероликтер сайысы өтті. Байқаудың мақсаты: оқушылардың интернет туралы толық ой қалыптастыру, оқушылардың тапқырлық, ізденімпаздық қасиеттерін қалыптастыру, шығармашылыққа баулу. Байқауға қала мектептерінен...

"Қауіпсіз интернет" сынып сағаты

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2022-10-06 16:43:09
 6 қазан күні 7 «Ә» сыныбында «Кауіпсіз  Интернет» тақырыбында сынып сағаты өткізілді. Мақсаты: оқушыларға интернетті дұрыс пайдалану жолдары,  зияны және пайдасы туралы түсінік беру, интернет желісіндегі әртүрлі блоктармен таныстыру. Сабақ түрі:  пікірталас

«Қауіпсіз интернет" кеңауқымды акциясы өткізілді...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2022-04-14 16:46:27
«Қауіпсіз интернет
Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі тапсырысымен 4 сәуір – Халықаралық интернет күніне арналған дәстүрлі түрде сәуір айында «Қауіпсіз интернет" кеңауқымды акциясы өткізілді. Акция барысында 13-14 сәуір күні 1-11 сыныптар арасында «Қауіпсіз интернет» тақырыбында сынып сағаттары, тәрбие сағаттары, эссе жазу, Интернеттегі желілік байланыстың қауіпсіздігі...

As part of the "Digital World" week, on February 1, class hours were organized among students in grades 3-11...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2022-02-01 16:40:19
As part of the
 According to the plan of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda region, within the framework of the Digital World week, on February 1, class hours were organized among students in grades 3-11. In grades 3-4 - "How to protect yourself in the digital world?", in grades 5-8 - "Threats on the Internet and social networks. Poss...

A drawing contest “Safety Zone!”...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-04-29 13:56:45
A drawing contest “Safety Zone!”...
 On April 29, within the framework of the large-scale republican action “Safe Internet”, a drawing contest “Safety Zone!” was held. The competition was held among students in grades 2-6. According to the terms of the competition, the drawings were made with colored pencils and paints. Purpose: to provide students with an understanding of the benefits and harms of usi...

Thematic classes were held as part of the "Safe Internet" campaign ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-04-28 12:31:15
Thematic classes were held as part of the
On April 27, within the framework of the large-scale republican campaign "Safe Internet", educators organized thematic classroom hours to inform and educate students in grades 1-8. The students supplemented their knowledge on the topics: "The Internet among us", "The Internet and my health", "Me and my virtual friends", "The Internet in a modern schoo...

Lessons on security and rules of network communication on the Internet were held among students of grades 1-11...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-04-28 12:09:01
Lessons on security and rules of network communication on the Internet were held among students of grades 1-11...
On April 26, within the framework of the Republican large-scale campaign "Safe Internet", lessons on security and rules of network communication on the Internet were held among students of grades 1-11. Purpose: to form a culture of teenagers' use of Internet resources, social networks, to control the activity of children's access to the Internet During the lessons, videos about...

Information hour “Child safety on the Internet. Code of Conduct and Parental Control "...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-07 00:21:08
Information hour “Child safety on the Internet. Code of Conduct and Parental Control
On February 4, as part of the Digital World Information Literacy Development Week, an information hour was held with parents of grades 5-8 to educate parents and teachers on the topic “Child safety on the Internet. Rules of conduct and parental control ". The psychologist noted that modern children and adolescents easily master computers, mobile devices and skillfully use them. Howe...

Excursion lesson on the topic "Mobile devices: risks and dangers" for students in grades 9-10 ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-04 00:32:32
Excursion lesson on the topic
 In order to implement the regional project "Zeyin", organized by the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region, within the framework of the Information Literacy Week "Digital World" on February 3, an excursion lesson on the topic "Mobile devices: risks and dangers" was held for students in grades 9-10. The s...

In the 4th "A" class, an educational game "Communication in social networks" was held ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-04 00:19:46
In the 4th
During the week of development of information literacy "Digital World", held within the framework of the regional project "Zeyin" on February 3, in the 4th "A" class, an educational game "Communication in social networks" was held. The purpose of the event is to familiarize with the rules of conduct in social networks, as well as the correct use of the Int...

Competition of presentations "Cyberthreats in the network", "Mobile security" among students of grades 5-6 ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-02 23:01:54
Competition of presentations
 In addition to the fact that children know how to behave in public places, that it is necessary to comply with traffic rules, today it is necessary to be aware of ethics in social networks, the rules of safe behavior on the Internet, and the correct use of the Internet. In order to convey to students the information that social networks are not as safe as before, on February 2, 2021, durin...

A class hour "My Safe Network" was held with students in grades 5-7 ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-02 00:52:15
A class hour
On February 1, within the framework of the “Digital World” week, a class hour “My Safe Network” was held with the students of grades 5-7 G. A. Burkitalieva. The purpose of the lesson is to develop a critical attitude and perception of social networks. Find out the pros and cons of social networking, provide information on the negative factors of overuse of the social netw...

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