School psychologist  Asylhanova Alia Aydarbekovna

Training of school personnel

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-12-07 14:58:44
Training of school personnel
      In the beginning of December the psychologist of the school Asylkhanova A. A. conducted training among school personnel. Purpose: prevention of suicidal behavior among minors in school. The school is one of the most important places for strengthening youth health and prevention. A school is a place where teenagers spend a lot of time outside the home; a special place whe...

The methodology for identifying suicidal tendencies

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-10-15 18:13:36
The methodology for identifying suicidal tendencies
     On October 14, a school psychologist among students of grades 8-9 conducted a methodology for identifying suicidal tendencies. Objective: To identify autodestructive pupils. Progress: Speaking about the results of the methodology, 9 "Ә" class did not show high scores, on the scale of neuroticism 12% of students showed high rates. (Ormanov Kydyrali, Baimankulov E...

Way to the future

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-09-28 18:38:14
Way to the future
      In September, the school psychologist conducted a questionnaire with students to determine students' views on life, to determine their ability to determine future plans. Each student chooses different kinds of professions depending on their abilities. It was revealed that the parents of only one pupil did not help him in determining his future profession. 59% of pup...

Questionnaire "Fight against corruption in school"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-09-28 18:32:05
     September 27th school psychologist conducted a questionnaire among parents. Purpose: To identify parents who have faced corruption in school. Call them to a single fight against corruption. Participants: parents of all classes. Survey progress: Parents filled in questionnaires related to the fight against corruption in the school. According to the results of the quest...

"Family values" training

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2017-09-14 15:58:01
     In September, the psychologist of the school conducted a training on "Family values" among pupils of grades 7-9. Purpose: Forming students' ideas about family values in modern families. Discussion with students of such concepts as "family", "family values"; teaching students how to interact in the family; fostering love for the family; t...

Useful psychological Sites

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2014-01-07 16:05:35
Useful psychological Sites http://...

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