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«Тіл-достықтың айнасы

«Тіл-достықтың айнасы
On September 5, in honor of the celebration of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan,a library hour "Til-dostyktyn ainasy"was held in the school library at the secondary school No. 9 on 03.09.2021.The librarian of the school, Abduali K., gave the students of class 3A fresh information and reviewed the exhibition. This day is the birthday of Alash arysa, the teacher of the nation Akhmet Baitursynuly, who left behind the oral word" language is the power of what causes both the preservation and loss of the nation", fought for the fate and language of the Kazakh people. On the birthday of the scientist, the founder of the Kazakh alphabet, all Kazakhstanis celebrate the holiday of languages. Purpose: to educate students of patriotism, respect for their native language, love for the Motherland, devotion to the traditions of their ancestors, giving a broad idea of their native language
Date: 6.09.2021, 11:42 Author: School №9