Category: Все

"Research Conference"

On October 12, within the framework of the school "Teacher of the Year" in 4 A class there was an open lesson on natural sciences "How do creatures develop". The purpose of the lesson: How creatures develop. , "Do you know?" , Used the method of "Research Conference". During the approval of the lesson gave feedback using the "Butterfly Method". The interest of students in the lesson was high. Subject teacher. Mazhraeva RA

2022-01-14 10:25:34

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"Consonant B and P"

On October 6.10, within the framework of the school "Teacher of the Year" in 2A class held an open lesson on the Kazakh language on the sound "Consonant B and P". Find the lost letters "," Who is faster "game increased the interest of students in the subject., Formative assessment, feedback at the end of the lesson was effective. Subject teacher: Zhunusova AN

2022-01-14 10:23:27

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2021-11-16 15:13:28

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2021-11-16 15:12:37

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2021-11-16 15:10:28

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Мектепішілік бақылау

Мектепішілік бақылау

2021-11-10 15:46:59

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Тарификация және штаттық кесте 2021-2022 оқу жылы

Тарификация және штаттық кесте 2021-2022 оқу жылы

2021-11-02 16:14:02

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Ал қанекей қыздар 6 б сыныбы

Ал қанекей қыздар 6 б сыныбы

2021-10-15 12:15:37

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Жігіт сұлтаны 2021

9"А" сынып

2021-10-15 12:14:50

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Жігіт сұлтаны 2021

8А сынып

2021-10-15 12:12:23

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Жігіт сұлтаны 2021 байқауының ережесі

Жігіт сұлтаны 2021 байқауының ережесі

2021-10-15 12:09:45

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"Ал қанеки кыздар" байқауының ережесі

"Ал қанеки кыздар" байқауының ережесі

2021-10-15 12:08:03

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