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Information on events held, dedicated to the Day of Spiritual consent KSU OSH№3 10.16-18.10.2019

Information on events held, dedicated to the Day of Spiritual consent KSU OSH№3 10.16-18.10.2019
In order to form a negative attitude to violence and aggression in any form; the formation of respect and recognition for oneself and for people, for their culture; the development of the ability to interethnic and interreligious interaction in the school, the following activities were carried out:
• The school created an action plan for the school year, and also compiled a database of students and parents attending religious associations. Visiting the religious association "House of Prayer" 1 student together with their parents.
• An advocacy group for the prevention of religious extremism was created, which included a history teacher, deputy VR, psychologist and social teacher of the school, chairman of the parent committee.
• On the day of spiritual consent, the school held events:
      On October 16, a book exhibition was held in the school library dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Consent of Kazakhstan, organized by the school librarian Mautanbekova D.M.
• Information was presented at the exhibition, revealing the origins of the spiritual consent of the peoples of Kazakhstan, characterizing a high degree of religious tolerance, careful perception of spiritual and cultural values ​​of people of different nationalities and faiths.
• On October 18, the information line “Spiritual harmony - stability of Kazakhstan” was held, (coverage of 75 people) high school students talked about the importance of spiritual harmony in the world and in our Republic, urging all students to live in friendship, showing mercy, justice, sincerity, kindness.
• On October 18, each class held classroom hours of communication “Religion and Modern Society” - grades 5–9, “What is tolerance?” - Grades 1–4, where students talked about tolerance, the friendship of peoples, and what role it plays friendship, unity in society.
• The school held sporting events "Our strength in unity" for primary school students (coverage of 25 people)