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"My friendly family" covering more than 10,000 people were held in all schools of the city.

From 11 to 15 of May, 2020, on-line classroom hours and events under the general name "My friendly family" covering more than 10,000 people were held in all schools of the city. In addition, during the first half of May the city family contest “Eco-Fashion” took place, in which more than 30 young fashionistas and their parents took part, more than 40 Balkhash families took part in the family art competition “Family is a source of inspiration”. On May 13, the family challenge "My Friendly Family" was run on the social network.All measures taken revealed the importance of the family in the life of each person, contributed to the development of a positive attitude towards all members of the family, and helped to strengthen morality and spirituality. The content of the events was aimed at creating among learnermotivation to study their pedigree, instilling a sense of pride in their family members and responsibility to them for their achievements, on the role of the family in the child’s life, on the rights and responsibilities of its members to each other, on moral and legal aspects of family relationships.


Date: 15.05.2020, 12:06 Author: Department