Public institution "General secondary school №6 in the village of Sayak" of the state institution "Education department of the city of Balkhash"


Head teacher
Zhumasheva Meruert Zhanabekovna

One of the nation's nationals, the national teacher, Akhmet Baitursynov, said: "The correction of the country should begin with the correction of children's education." In this context, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, set the task to join our country to the list of 30 most competitive countries in the world. It requires a young generation equipped with modern knowledge.

In general, with the upgraded education program, teachers have the task of converting the methodologies of normal teaching into innovative teaching approaches, forming an educated, honest person who can perceive each student as an individual and express their ideas freely and freely. By saying, "Teacher who is a teacher, from childhood to education," we are in the hands of the younger generation of quality education.

Being aware of news from school life on this site, you are witnessing the invaluable work of our dear teachers and students, who are fond of education.


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