Plot-role-playing game "Friendly family"
02-07-2021 16:51
Plot-role-playing game
Сюжетно-ролевая игра «Дружная семья»
Festival of national games. The game " Hantalapai"
02-07-2021 16:49
Festival of national games. The game
Фестиваль национальных игр. Игра "Ханталапай"
Read poems about nature to children, guessing riddles.
30-06-2021 12:51
Read poems about nature to children, guessing riddles.
Прочитать детям стихотворения о природе, загадывание загадок
A conversation with children about natural phenomena
30-06-2021 12:49
A conversation with children about natural phenomena
Беседа с детьми о явлениях природы
Drawing on the water surface
29-06-2021 12:34
Drawing on the water surface
Рисование на поверхности воды.
Experiments: "Properties of water" support of children's research interests.
29-06-2021 12:28
Эксперименты: «Свойства воды» поддержка исследовательских интересов детей.
Playing with water, monitoring compliance with safety rules
29-06-2021 12:23
Playing with water, monitoring compliance with safety rules
Игры с водой, наблюдение за соблюдением правил безопасности
Conversation with children about environmental protection "Communication with nature".
28-06-2021 16:41
Conversation with children about environmental protection
Беседа с детьми об охране окружающей среды «Общение с природой».
Kitten's house
24-06-2021 08:39
Kitten's house
Role-playing games "Desperate Firefighters", "Rescuers". Conversations with children about the rules of conduct in the event of a fire, about the "01" service, about the...
Conversation on pictures "Poisonous plants and mushrooms", "Medicinal plants", "Safe behavior in nature",
22-06-2021 14:20
Conversation on pictures
Conversation on pictures "Poisonous plants and mushrooms", "Medicinal plants", "Safe behavior in nature",
Entertainment "Sun, air, water"
18-06-2021 14:45
Thematic talk about the health benefits of air and water and the dangers of swimming in water.
Role-playing game "Doctor"
17-06-2021 10:59
Role-playing game
Рассматривание картины «Врач» по ознакомлению с трудом доктора, экскурсия в медицинский кабинет, чтение детской литературы, дидактические игры. С детьми проводится беседа о «Приёме в...