Размер шрифта:
“Ақиқат”дебат клубы
"Teacher's day»
29-11-2018 14:26
October 6, 2018 in the House of culture was held a concert program dedicated to the day of the teacher. In honor of this holiday, the award ceremony of honored teachers of education was held. The cele...
For autumn event score
29-11-2018 14:17
September 28 among students of grades 8-11 was a festive event "Autumn ball". The competition consisted of 6 different conditions. 1. General provisions the name of the group(logo, poster)...
Dukenbaeva Zauresh Hamitovna
29-11-2018 14:03
Dukenbaeva Zauresh Hamitovna
Zhumasheva Guljanar
29-11-2018 14:00
Zhumasheva Guljanar
Zhumaseva Meruert Zhanavekovna
29-11-2018 13:59
Zhumaseva Meruert Zhanavekovna
Kabdiman Aiajan
29-11-2018 13:41
Kabdiman Aiajan
Myhtar Magzhan
29-11-2018 12:19
Myhtar Magzhan
Hozhahmetov Adlet
29-11-2018 12:17
Hozhahmetov Adlet
Zhandarbai Arnur
29-11-2018 12:16
Zhandarbai Arnur
3 "A" class held an open lesson of literary reading in the time section on the topic: "lunch-sturdy food" Е.Ashikbaeva
29-11-2018 11:57
28.11.18 3 "A" class held an open lesson of literary reading in the time section on the topic: "lunch-sturdy food" ERTA Ashikbaeva. Learning objectives reading aloud, expre...
Information on the holiday "Day of the girl child"
29-11-2018 11:53
From 04 to 14 October was a week of girls. On October 8, our school held a solemn line dedicated to the day of girls. 06.02.2014 continuation of online meetings on the topic:".... On the solemn...
Information about the excursion to the limited liability partnership of emergency and rescue service
29-11-2018 11:40
October 29, teacher of technology Marisova Umitkhan Kasmalieva, Bogatova Nurzhan boys 8-9 classes visited the office of the limited liability partnership "emergency rescue service". Purpose:...