Размер шрифта:
Information on career guidance
01-03-2019 16:42
KSU "school № 6 of Sayak village" 2018-2019 academic year  January 18 at alumni day for the students of 9 class of the Semipalatinsk geological College school graduate Kenzhebek Bir...
Information about career guidance activities.
01-03-2019 16:32
KSU "secondary school №6 of Sayak village" 2018-2019 academic year  January 12, in the kindergarten "Baldauren" was held the meeting with the graduates of the 9th classes....
Information about the activities undertaken for the choice of profession
01-03-2019 16:18
December 19 in Karaganda and students of the 9th grade of our school Soldiers of the military school "Zhas Ulan" Calimala B. and S. Masterkova Between a meeting was held. The purpose of t...
Information about the excursion to the limited liability partnership of emergency and rescue service
29-11-2018 11:40
October 29, teacher of technology Marisova Umitkhan Kasmalieva, Bogatova Nurzhan boys 8-9 classes visited the office of the limited liability partnership "emergency rescue service". Purpose:...
Information about the meeting with a Careu specialist
28-11-2018 15:04
KGU "Secondary school №6 of Sayak village" 2018-2019 academic year     On November 12, I was a member of Karaganda Economic University at our school a meeting was held b...
Information on vocational guidance
02-05-2018 16:50
16 April in the hall of the school, for pupils of 9 class of the specialty a matter of choice.University by name of Shakarim of the city of Balkhash".Musin students of humanitarian-technical Coll...
Vocational excursion, arrived at the train station
09-04-2018 17:59
List of educational institutions in Kazakhstan
10-01-2018 11:06
Қазақстандағы оқу орындарының тізімі   АСТАНА  1.     Қазақ экономика, қаржы және халықаралық сауда университеті Астана қ. Жұбанов к-сі,  7...
9-11 сыныптарды Саяқ кенішінің РМЦ-ға саяхаты
05-12-2017 11:00
9-11 сыныптарды Саяқ кенішінің РМЦ-ға саяхаты
Саяқ кенішіне саяхат
05-12-2017 10:51
Саяқ кенішіне саяхат