Our achievements
distance sports competitions
08-05-2020 20:24
May 7-on the eve of the defender of the Fatherland Day and the 75th anniversary of the great Victory, diplomas were awarded in distance sports competitions among girls of grades 5-7: Zhakayeva zhanel,...
Marat Beknur
08-05-2020 20:22
On the eve of the holiday of may 1 – the day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan, a student of KSU" OSH No. 6 of Sayak village "Maratov Beknur was awarded a letter of thanks for part...
online competition
08-05-2020 20:17
Sabaq.kz the winners of the contest "Siqyrly, syrly boyaular", "Ake korgen OK Zhanar", "Kashyrymen mykty", "Kazakh musical instruments", organized on the Republ...
"The world of Abai" contest online
08-05-2020 20:11
SanaEducation- in celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay was awarded Baspakova Orlegal Bugubaeva, Zhumagulov of Rigul Galiya, T Saltanat Takanakuy and prizes with this text took Kuandyk Malik, K...
"Republican Abay textbooks «»
08-05-2020 20:09
May 3, 2020 Sabak.kz physical education teacher Khavdylkhan KUNTAI and primary school teacher Raigul rakhmetollayevna zhumagulova thanked teachers for preparing the best students for the contest "...
1 synyp math Online testPad
08-05-2020 20:03
On may 3, 2020, online testPad awarded certificates for excellent results in mathematics grade 1 Omirgaly Ibrahim, Kuandyk Malika Azamatovna, Ryskeldinov Dias Dauletovich, Serik Shyryn Farkhatkyzy, ZA...
Galia Kamalbekovna, Aziz Imani
08-05-2020 19:59
Winner of the award of the Foundation Of the first President of Kazakhstan Qaztest.kz winner of the IV Republican Olympiad in Kazakh language and literature named after A. Baitursynov, the founder of...
Best video" the World is the beginning of prosperity"
08-05-2020 19:56
May 1-day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan in KSU "SOSH #6 of the village of Sayak" was awarded 1st class for publishing the best video "Tatulyk-berekenin bastauy".
Almas Serebii
08-05-2020 19:53
The library has an extensive book exhibition "historical biography of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the important date of the coming year-the 550th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh kha...
republican competition"ASYL mental giants»
03-05-2020 14:06
In the Republican competition "ASYL ail-ogy alaptare" dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al - Farabi and the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abai Kunanbayev, the diploma of...
Marat Inzhu Almasovna
03-05-2020 13:06
Karaganda region, the city of Balkhash Sabaq.kz in the competition "Korkem the drive" organized by the Republican methodological website, a diploma of I degree and II degree diploma was awar...
Anuar Akhmetzhanov
02-05-2020 13:42
In the competition for labor protection in the city of Balkhash, a student of OSH No. 6 in the village of Sayak Akhmetzhanov Anuar took part in the competition and received a prize for active particip...

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