The opening of the week of “Gifted Children”...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-10-14 15:44:02
The opening of the week of “Gifted Children”...
 On October 14, the opening of the week of “Gifted Children” took place in the sanatorium boarding school № 2. Purpose of the week: To increase the professional competence of teachers, supporting the work of teachers with gifted children. On the line, the organization of school self-government introduced the work plan of the week. The song “Tek Alka” was performed by...

Historical and educational meeting in honor of the 95th birthday of Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev ...

Category: Local History Museum
Date: 2019-10-14 15:40:52
Historical and educational meeting in honor of the 95th birthday of Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev ...
On October 12, in the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov was organized a historical and educational meeting in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and the 95th anniversary of the birth of Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev. The guest of the meeting Kulyash Sardarbekova, a famous local historian, historian, journalist, member of the Union of Journalists of the Repu...

Doctors of polyclinic No. 1 held a lecture on the topic: "Prevention of early pregnancy", " Personal hygiene of girls"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-10-14 10:13:41
Doctors of polyclinic No. 1 held a lecture on the topic:
    In accordance with the instruction of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from 4 to 14 October 2019, our school held a Republican decade dedicated to the International day of girls, announced by the UN General Assembly in recognition of the rights of girls and the peculiarities of their problems around the world.      The purpose...
Author: School №5

Psychological training for students of grades 7-10 on the topic of upbringing a modern girl...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2019-10-11 16:07:48
Psychological training for students of grades 7-10 on the topic of upbringing a modern girl...
 On October 10, psychological training was held for students in grades 7-10. The purpose of the training: to identify the education system for girls, the formation of the girl’s personality in the context of a new social development, understanding what responsibility is for the generation of descendants, able to combine a high level of culture and humanity with a high level of nationa...

Выдающиеся женщины Казахстана и мира.

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2019-10-11 15:25:53
Выдающиеся женщины Казахстана и мира.
В библиотеке организована книжная выставка «Выдающиеся женщины Казахстана и мира» раскрывающая образы выдающихся женщин, чьи имена навсегда остались в истории народа и современниц нашей страны. Ребята познакомились с жизнедеятельностью великих женщин Казахстана, внесших определенный вклад в развитие нашей республики и мира. Мир женщин велик и многообразен. Трудно назвать ту область,...
Author: School №4

Workshop on the education of guys, real men, leaders of “Symbatty Kazak zhigіtі bola alamyz ba?” ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-10-11 14:52:21
Workshop on the education of guys, real men, leaders of “Symbatty Kazak zhigіtі bola alamyz ba?” ...
October 10 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov held a workshop on the education of guys, real men, leaders of “Symbatty Kazak zhigіtі bola alamyz ba?”, organized by educators D. Makhmutova and F. Mukhametzhanova. Pupils of grades 6-9, senior counselor Dadanbaev Sh., History teacher Zhaksygeldin I., doctors and classroom teachers took part in it. The purpose of the meet...

Жолдаудың жарқын болашағы

Category: Ақпараттар
Date: 2019-10-10 20:26:45
Жолдаудың жарқын болашағы
          Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Қ.Ж. Тоқаевтың «Сындарлы қоғамдық диалог- Қазақстанның тұрақтылығы мен өркендеуінің негізі» атты жолдауын талқылау негізінде 2019 жылдың 17 қыркүйек күні Оқушылар сарайында мектептегі өзін-өзі басқару президенттері – көшбасшылардың қатысуымен «Жолдаудың жарқын болашағы» атты дөңгелек үстел өтті....

As part of the “Reading time” project, spent a reading hour “The book conquers the world”...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2019-10-09 11:25:33
As part of the “Reading time” project, spent a reading hour “The book conquers the world”...
October 8 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov as part of the  “Reading time” project,  spent a reading hour “The book conquers the world” at 4.30 p.m. During this period, students at the same time began to read books. The goal of this project is to increase students' interest in reading, as well as expanding their horizons, vocabulary, and inf...


Category: Modern library
Date: 2019-10-08 17:39:19
      8 October in 7.45 in OSH #5 began reading books " READING TIMES." On each floor of the school, students and teachers read a 15-minute book.                               "READING THE TIMES"       "House of tables", "shelter for clever people&qu...
Author: School №5

2019 жылдың 8 қазанында 2-11 сынып оқушылары және мұғалімдерінің қатысуымен, бір мезетте 7:45-те «Reading time»- жаппай кітап оқу сағаты өткізілді.

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2019-10-08 16:58:25
2019 жылдың 8 қазанында 2-11 сынып оқушылары және мұғалімдерінің қатысуымен, бір мезетте 7:45-те «Reading time»- жаппай кітап оқу сағаты өткізілді.
2019 жылдың 8 қазанында 2-11 сынып оқушылары және мұғалімдерінің қатысуымен, бір мезетте 7:45-те «Reading time»- жаппай кітап оқу сағаты өткізілді. Бұл көпшілік шара Қарағанды облысы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің тәжірибесі негізінде «100 кітап» жобасы аясында жыл бойы тұрақты әр сейсенбі күні жалғастырылады.
Author: School №4

Specialists of the city center for the prevention and control of AIDS held a meeting with schoolchildren on the topic "Protection against HIV / AIDS in your hands" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-10-08 16:04:11
Specialists of the city center for the prevention and control of AIDS held a meeting with schoolchildren on the topic
On October 7, 2019, specialists from the city center for the prevention and control of AIDS held a meeting with students on the topic “Protection against HIV/AIDS in your hands”. The meeting was attended by students of grades 8-9 of boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov. The center’s epidemiologist and school doctors talked about HIV infection, transmission routes, HI...

Excursion to the library

Date: 2019-10-08 09:48:09
Excursion to the library
On October 7, a tour to the school library was organized for 1st grade students. Students got acquainted with book exhibitions, periodicals for children.
Author: School №9

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