Lectures on nutrition "Proper nutrition"

Date: 2021-11-23 17:09:23


Proper nutrition of children and adolescents strengthens their health, promotes the development of physical and mental abilities, increases the ability to work and academic performance. If nutrition is organized incorrectly, inefficiently, that is, not enough, the body's metabolism is disrupted, its ability to resist the harmful effects of the environment and various infectious diseases decreases.

Children will have a significant difference in nutrition than adults. While food for adults is necessary for the application of vital processes in the body, to restore the strength spent on various activities, a growing young organism requires not only the application of vital processes, but also the process of growth, development, formation of the whole organism as a whole.

Nutrition literacy has five foundations:

1) the presence of essential nutrients in food (nutrients, fats, carbohydrates);

2) the presence of additional substances in the diet (vitamins, trace elements);

3) nutrition

Author: School №25