
Оқу үрдісін тоқтату туралы

Category: Оқу үрдісі
Date: 2023-12-19 16:45:31
Оқу үрдісін тоқтату туралы 13.12.2023 ж

Сабақтарды тоқтату туралы

Category: Оқу үрдісі
Date: 2023-12-19 16:43:12
Сабақтарды тоқтату туралы
Сабақтарды тоқтату туралы мектеп бұйрығы 12.12.2023ж

Оқу үрдісін тоқтату туралы

Category: Оқу үрдісі
Date: 2023-12-19 16:40:36
Оқу үрдісін тоқтату туралы  12.12.2023 ж

On December 4, 2023, the intellectual game “The Weakest Link” was organized for students in grades 9-10.

Category: Антикоррупция
Date: 2023-12-05 10:22:01
On December 4, 2023, the intellectual game “The Weakest Link” was organized for students in grades 9-10.
On December 4, 2023, the intellectual game “The Weakest Link” was organized for students in grades 9-10. The game was preceded by an explanation of the conditions of the competition; the game itself consisted of 8 rounds. Questions in rounds from different areas of knowledge. The task of the team of 5 people was to quickly and correctly answer the presenter’s questions. The j...

On December 4, 2023, as part of the events dedicated to the forum “Value-oriented approach to teaching and education”, the school club “Adal Urpak” spoke to middle school students from grades 5-8.

Category: Антикоррупция
Date: 2023-12-05 10:20:21
On December 4, 2023, as part of the events dedicated to the forum “Value-oriented approach to teaching and education”, the school club “Adal Urpak” spoke to middle school students from grades 5-8.
On December 4, 2023, as part of the events dedicated to the forum “Value-oriented approach to teaching and education”, the school club “Adal Urpak” spoke to middle school students from grades 5-8. Students and teachers were greeted by the “Principle” propaganda team on the theme “We are against corruption.” Students of the Adal Urpak club called on...

On November 30, 2023, as part of the anti-corruption marathon “Adal Bol LIKE”, a city meeting of school clubs “Adal Urpak” was held, in which our team took part.

Category: Антикоррупция
Date: 2023-12-05 10:15:11
On November 30, 2023, as part of the anti-corruption marathon “Adal Bol LIKE”, a city meeting of school clubs “Adal Urpak” was held, in which our team took part.
On November 30, 2023, as part of the anti-corruption marathon “Adal Bol LIKE”, a city meeting of school clubs “Adal Urpak” was held, in which our team took part. During the “Adal Bolayik” rally, the teams took part in a quest game, and the team captain A. Kazakhbaeva took part in creating a video against corruption. The children enthusiastically completed all...

As part of the anti-corruption marathon “Adal Bol LIKE”, in order to form a negative attitude towards corruption among students, members of the “Adal Urpak” club took part in the city KVN.

Category: Антикоррупция
Date: 2023-12-05 10:12:41
As part of the anti-corruption marathon “Adal Bol LIKE”, in order to form a negative attitude towards corruption among students, members of the “Adal Urpak” club took part in the city KVN.
As part of the anti-corruption marathon “Adal Bol LIKE”, in order to form a negative attitude towards corruption among students, members of the “Adal Urpak” club took part in the city KVN. Cheerful and resourceful teams from the city’s schools “lit up the stage,” making fun of corruption situations on stage.

С учащимися 8-11 классов был проведен тренинг «Жизнь - бесценный дар», «Мы выбираем жизнь»

Category: Психолог
Date: 2023-12-05 10:07:26
С учащимися 8-11 классов был проведен тренинг «Жизнь - бесценный дар», «Мы выбираем жизнь»
С учащимися 8-11 классов был проведен тренинг «Жизнь - бесценный дар», «Мы выбираем жизнь» В  декабря  для учащихся 8-11классов был проведен тренинг «Жизнь - бесценный дар», «Мы выбираем жизнь». Цель тренинга: научить ценить свою жизнь, привлечь внимание к здоровому образу жизни.         &nbs...

Об отмене занятий

Category: Оқу үрдісі
Date: 2023-12-01 13:06:58
Об отмене занятий

24 ноября 223 г. в школе состоялась встреча старшеклассников со студентами и педагогами ЧУ «Политехнического колледжа корпорации «Казахмыс», которые рассказали о специальностях и особенностях учебы в данном образовательном учреждении.

Category: Профориентация
Date: 2023-12-01 12:54:41
24 ноября  223 г.  в школе состоялась встреча старшеклассников  со студентами и педагогами  ЧУ «Политехнического колледжа  корпорации «Казахмыс», которые рассказали о  специальностях  и особенностях учебы в данном образовательном учреждении.
24 ноября  223 г.  в школе состоялась встреча старшеклассников  со студентами и педагогами  ЧУ «Политехнического колледжа  корпорации «Казахмыс», которые рассказали о  специальностях  и особенностях учебы в данном образовательном учреждении.


Category: Психолог
Date: 2023-12-01 11:42:02

ПСИХОЛОГО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОЕ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЕ в организациях образования Оценка особых образовательных потребностей

Category: Психолог
Date: 2023-12-01 11:29:12
ПСИХОЛОГО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОЕ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЕ в организациях образования Оценка особых образовательных потребностей

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