School psychologist  Asylhanova Alia Aydarbekovna

Psychological counseling “Prevention of factors influencing the formation of self-destructive behavior. Buling "...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-17 14:12:20
Psychological counseling “Prevention of factors influencing the formation of self-destructive behavior. Buling
On October 30, within the framework of the pedagogical council "Modern lesson - the basis of effective and high-quality education", school psychologist G.K. Kasimova spoke on the topic "Prevention of factors influencing the formation of self-destructive behavior. Buling". Purpose: formation of teachers' knowledge about the problem of aggressiveness in adolescents, to dete...

Analysis of the psychological readiness of pupils of the 1st grade of the boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov for school in the 2021-2022 academic year

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-17 13:36:16
Analysis of the psychological readiness of pupils of the 1st grade of the boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov for school in the 2021-2022 academic year
On November 1, a pedagogical council was held at the school with the participation of subject teachers, a psychologist and the school administration on the adaptation of students in grades 1 and 5. Purpose: to create in the student collective a pedagogical environment that ensures the adaptation of students during the transition from primary to secondary school; adaptation of first graders to sc...

Psychological training "The spiritual development of a child begins with the family."

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-10-12 09:39:51
Psychological training
On October 11, 7th grade psychological training “A child's spiritual development begins with a family” was held. Target : - To instill in the child a sense of love for the family and a sense of pride in it, respect for parents; - develop an interest in family history, family traditions, family tree; - development of communication skills. During the training, the student...

Psychological training "Ways to overcome stress" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-10-10 23:11:04
Psychological training
In the period from 7 to 9 October, the school psychologist Kasimova G. K. conducted a psychological training "Ways to overcome stress" with students in grades 8 and 9. Purpose: to consolidate the attention and ability of the participants to behave during the training. Resistance to stress, increasing the skills of confident behavior, the formation of self-regulation, self-control skill...

Training of school personnel ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-10-06 17:19:52
Training of school personnel ...
At the beginning of October, the school psychologist Kasimova G.K. conducted training among the school staff. Objective: to prevent suicidal behavior among minors at school. School is one of the most important places for youth health promotion and prevention. School is where teenagers spend most of their time; a special place where teenagers develop their skills and develop a healthy lifestyle...

A training "Adaptation of a young specialist"...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-10-04 17:42:52
A training
  In September, a school psychologist conducted a training "Adaptation of a young specialist" among newcomers and young professionals. Purpose: improving the professional skills of a young specialist, encouraging and raising the mood. Help young professionals to open up, show themselves to their colleagues; to help young specialists to feel like a part of the teaching staff, to ad...

A survey was conducted with students of grade 8 ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-09-22 12:39:44
A survey was conducted with students of grade 8 ...
On September 20, school psychologist G.K. Kasimova conducted a questionnaire survey with pupils of the 8th grade in order to strengthen physical and mental health and prevent destructive behavior of adolescents.

Conducted a psychological training "Do I know my child well?" with parents of primary school students...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-05-15 12:55:22
Conducted a psychological training
On May 15, within the framework of the International Day of the Family, a school psychologist conducted a psychological training "Do I know my child well?" with parents of primary school students. Purpose: to stimulate thinking about the place and role of parents in the child's life, get to know your child better, help and advise. During the training, the psychologist asked the par...

A parent conference on the topic "Children on the Internet"...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-04-29 13:37:08
A parent conference on the topic
On April 28, within the framework of the large-scale republican campaign "Safe Internet", a teacher-psychologist held a parent conference on the topic "Children on the Internet" with the aim of informing and questioning parents. Objective: to raise awareness and awareness of parents about the safety of children on the Internet and the possibility of using its resources. Paren...

Құрметті мектеп оқушысы!

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-04-17 01:19:19
Құрметті мектеп оқушысы!
Everyone knows that the corona virus infection (COVID-19) makes our life more difficult. Due to the closure of the school and the cancellation of events, you are forced to abandon many significant events in your life, including daily communication with friends and school attendance. At a time when the course of life is changing due to a spreading disease, and some are anxious, frustrated, and is...

How can you help teens protect their mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-04-17 01:09:24
How can you help teens protect their mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
Hello dear parents! Adolescence is a difficult period in a person's life, and coronavirus infection (COVID-19) makes it even more difficult. Due to the closure of schools and the cancellation of activities, many schoolchildren, adolescents are forced to abandon many significant events in their young life, including daily communication with friends and school attendance. For adolescents wh...

Recommendations for parents whose children are constantly subjected to moral humiliation by adults or peers

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-04-15 22:33:54
Recommendations for parents whose children are constantly subjected to moral humiliation by adults or peers
1. Do not reproach your child for not talking about it earlier, or for not doing anything to prevent it from happening. 2. Talk to your child, identify the source of conflict, stress, tension in the relationship. 3. Make it clear to your child that you understand and believe. 4. Notify the class teacher and school administrators. Recommendations for Parents Whose Children Have Been A...

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